Rabu, 04 Maret 2009


After finishing high school,dika, he is usually called by goat kambing. He should continuing his study to Adelaide, Australia. He will studying finance that he is not like. Finance is not his mind. Than. It is his starting point to find himself. It is the journey of his life.
When he is studying in Australia. There is a little problem with Kebo(herfiza Novianti) his girl friend. The are have a long distantance communication. They must pay in a large money for their communication. It is a disturbation both themselves. Time by time they have a difference way of live.
The other trouble., Dika found a little bit difficult in his study. One day Saly Dickon ,his lecturer.She is like a soldier. Than kambing have more problem abot his live. Difficulties in his relationship and also with his finance self and also some problem of his real studying about finance.
Ine (sarah Shafitri) was his friend of basic school. While he meet his old friend, who read his blog with “Kambing Jantan” as the blog title. Dika just open his mind, that actually he can be a comedian script. And his friendship with Harianto , who has same problem with him. Dika take a chnce about his future live.
This film genre is comedy. The story is derived from a dairy “Kambing Jantan (Goat)”. After his dairy site have win a price from Indonesian blogger. The blog site has published into a book. The book being a best seller after his film standing in the cinema. When read the book, Kambing jantan is a real smart book-comedi . But is it the film as funny as his book and his blog site. Kambing Jantan will be standing in all Indonesian cinema starting on 5 March 2009. I will g. ive coment and opinion after wathing the film. Now, I can not make a suggestion. Because I only read it from the Kambing Jantan synopsis blog-site.

Free translation Sinopsis from web “ kambing jantan the movie “
By : adjie and Joe